Interview Questions

The Virtual Interview

Careers Canada has partnered with EasyHire to allow candidates to take a 'virtual interview'. This permits Careers Canada to effectively maintain COVID-19 distancing protocols while still placing candidates into new career opportunities with the nation's leading financial firms.

How long is the interview?

The virtual interview allows a candidate up to 15 minutes to answer all of the questions. However, most candidates are able to complete the interview in under 10 minutes.

What are the interview questions?

The interview itself is very informal in nature. Hiring Managers that are interested in potentially offering you an opportunity will likely have far more in-depth questions for you.

The virtual interview questions are as follows:

• Please tell us your name and the city/town in which you currently reside.
• Why are you considering a career in financial services?
• Please describe what a healthy 'work/life balance' means to you.
• What motivates you to do your best work?
• What are some of the traits that you admire in a business leader/mentor?
• Do you consider yourself to be more of a 'people person' or a 'numbers person'? Why?
• As you know, full training and development is provided for most of the opportunities being offered through Careers Canada. Do you have any concerns about making a career shift into financial services? If yes, what are they?
• Is there is anything else that you would like to tell us, please take a moment to do so now.

Upon receiving the email with the link for the virtual interview, you will have 3 days to complete interview at your convenience.

What is the process after I have completed my virtual interview?

Your Placement Specialist will inform you when they receive your virtual interview. They will then meet with the Hiring Managers in your area to determine which opportunities best match your career preferences. Hiring Managers who feel you may be a good fit for their firm will connect with you to elaborate on the opportunity being offered and formally interview you.

Please be reminded that the placement rate in 2019 was 87%. It is very likely that your Placement Specialist will find an opportunity that works well for you.

If you have further questions about the virtual interview, please connect with your Placement Specialist who assist you throughout the process.