Careers: Financial Services
what is the purpose of this program?

The Development Program

The 24.7.365 Development Program™ was introduced in 2018 in response to the overall decline of potential candidates choosing financial services as a viable career option in Canada. The purpose of this program is to assist small, medium and large financial firms grow their sales forces. A larger sales force means additional qualified points of distribution, which translates into higher revenue streams, and in turn, a more profitable business model.

what is the process?

The Process

This program was introduced in 2018 in response to the overall decline of people selecting financial services as a viable career option in Canada. The purpose of the program is to assist small, medium and large financial firms grow their sales forces, or at the very least, help to replace the Representatives that are no longer with the participating firms.

1. Source Potential Candidate

Careers Canada identifies individuals who are interested in exploring a career shift to the financial services industry. We do this through a network of recruiters, social media, advertising, and referrals.

2. Screen Potential Candidate

All potential candidates are vetted to ensure that they can legally work in Canada in the financial services industry.

3. Candidate Selects Area(s) of Interest

The candidate selects the various area(s) of financial services that interest them most. The more popular 'areas of interest' include: Life Insurance, RESPs, and Investments.

4. Candidate is Interviewed

Careers Canada interviews the candidate to assess their suitability to effectively work in their chosen fields of interest. All interviews are recorded (video) and forwarded for review to the Hiring Managers of participating firms.

5. Candidate is Offered Opportunities

The candidate is presented with one, two or three local opportunities that best match their areas of interest. We strongly encourage the candidate to interview with the firms whose opportunities best reflect their interests and career aspirations.

6. Candidate Selects Opportunities

After the candidate reviews the available opportunities that are offered through Careers Canada, they select those that they are most interested in pursuing.

7. Careers Canada Schedules Interviews

Through an integrated system, Careers Canada books interviews on behalf of the candidate with the Hiring Managers from the firms that are offering opportunities the candidate wishes to explore.

8. Candidate Interviews

The candidate interviews with the financial firm(s), choosing the opportunity that they feel offers them their best chance of success and attaining their short-term and long-term career objectives.

In 2019, a total of 906 candidates were successfully placed with participating firms through the 24.7.365 Development Program™.

what does a participating financial services firm receive from Careers Canada?

Participating Firms

Careers Canada's primary objective is to support the growth of the sales forces of companies that are participating in the program. A participating firm receives the following from Careers Canada:

The 24.7.365 Development Program™ allows a growing financial firm to 'fish with a bigger net', offering exposure of their opportunities that would otherwise be unseen, and ultimately growing their overall revenues through their expanding sales force.

How much does it cost for a firm to particiapte in this program?


For a firm that qualifies to participate in the program, the introductory fee is less than $45/day. Participating firms receive the full benefits of the 24.7.365 Development Program™ at the same cost of hiring a part-time employee.

After a 90-day review period, a participating firm may increase their level of weekly participation or remain at the introductory participation rate, provided that the firm qualifies to continue to receive new hires from Careers Canada.

How does my firm qualify to participate?

How to Qualify

Careers Canada is rather selective with respect to allowing financial firms to participate. To qualify, a firm must be able to demonstrate the following:

In 2019, a total of 906 candidates were successfully placed with participating firms through this program.